my mother always told me, "we'll be right back after a few words from our sponsors."

Unfold Yoga

For Unfold Yoga, we wanted to communicate a message of prioritizing yourself. A lot of times, people can get so caught up in their work, the news, and their phones, leaving no time for actual self-reflection and relaxation.

It seems as though our phones have literally taken over our lives. They are constantly telling us what to do, and where to do it. They know us better than we know ourselves.

Our phones are full of stress, and anxiety. Social media, the news, everything and anything can cause us to be in a constant state of anxiety.

But what if our phones could actually talk to us? What if they could tell us when to relax? After all, they are the ones that know us best of all.

This is where Unfold comes in. They preach a message of self-care, mindfulness, and wellness. Unfold wants you to prioritize your mental state, because without taking care of that, the stresses and anxiety of out 24/7 culture will continue taking over.

Selected work from the campaign:
